Whether you’re a college student hoping to run a summer daycare/camp program from your backyard or you’re a full-fledged summer camp owner who’s trying to speed up registration without spending a fortune on fees for website hosting and profit sharing, a simple Google Form and the Payable Plugin make it easy. In just a few minutes, you can set up a form that collects camper information and processes payments, so you can focus on the arts+crafts game plan for the summer.
Google Forms, combined with the Payable Add-On, allows you to take payments as you collect info.
To get started, you can simply copy the free template from Payable into your Google Forms, then customize it with the information you need. You can change the header image to a photo from last year’s camp and customize the style so that the Form looks more like a personalized website.
Within your summer camp registration Form, you can add sections like:
- Camper information
- Parent information/emergency contact info
- Allergy/medical info
- Tshirt/sweatshirt purchase options (including sizes)
- Overnight vs. day camper options
- Meal preferences (vegan, gluten-free etc.)
- You can even add a section with a link to download a PDF waiver so that parents can sign it and upload a copy
Then, activate the Payable Add-On by clicking on the puzzle piece in the top right of your Form, and it will walk you through the setup, including connecting your Form to your Square, Stripe or PayPal. In minutes, you’ll be ready to send the link to your Form out to your campers and get registration rolling!